
Career Progression – Gateway Reliability and Validity Analysis

What is Reliability? Reliability is a statistical measurement that determines whether a tool used (the Leadership Quality constructs within the assessment exercises) measures an outcome (scores) consistently, to a degree that demonstrates that the same results would continue to be replicated every subsequent use. Internal reliability is used to assess the internal consistency of a [...]

Career Progression – Gateway Reliability and Validity Analysis2023-01-23T12:05:06+00:00

Developmental Feedback – How to get it right

The Feedback Report - An output of every process involving candidates completing assessment exercises is a detailed feedback report for each candidate. This report is used as the basis for a feedback session facilitated by the HR/ L&D team, Line Managers or assessors.   Content of the report The feedback report covers the assessment of [...]

Developmental Feedback – How to get it right2020-07-20T08:27:37+00:00

Social Distancing Checklist – How to Adapt your Assessments

This year has brought about unprecedented circumstances in the face of Covid-19 that have made us all rethink and change how and where we work, and our working environment. It is a situation that has forced us all to adapt and think on our feet, as to how we can manage to continue operations, respond [...]

Social Distancing Checklist – How to Adapt your Assessments2020-07-08T08:56:15+00:00

The Importance of Online Assessment during the Coronavirus Pandemic

With the impacts of Coronavirus stretching into an uncertain future, adaptability is key for any businesses. The management of recruitment or promotion processes may not have been an immediate priority, however it will be back on the radar for many before too long. With social distancing a reality of day-to-day life, the launch last year [...]

The Importance of Online Assessment during the Coronavirus Pandemic2020-05-05T13:35:58+00:00
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