Psychometrics is the science of psychological assessment, utilising standardised tests to objectively measure attributes like interpersonal style and aptitude.

Psychometrics is the science of psychological assessment, utilising standardised tests to objectively measure attributes like interpersonal style and aptitude. For a test to be considered psychometric, it must be reliable, valid, sensitive enough to show a normal range of scores, and free from bias.

Consistency in content, administration, and scoring is crucial, which is why psychometric testing is regulated and restricted to qualified individuals. Most tests are now conducted online, though some providers still offer paper assessments. The range of validated off-the-shelf and bespoke tests continues to grow.

Different psychological tests serve specific contexts, such as educational assessments for schools, mental health evaluations, and forensic assessments for offenders. These are distinct from psychometric tests and fall under Educational, Clinical, and Forensic Psychology.

1. Personality Tests:

These assess typical performance, evaluating personal qualities like preferences, values, strengths, interests, and motivation. They provide insights into interpersonal styles and cultural fit at work. There are no wrong answers, as the goal is to understand individual differences rather than identify a “right” personality type.

2. Ability Tests:

These measure maximum performance, focusing on aptitude and skills with clear right or wrong answers, often under time constraints. Some tests adapt to the respondent’s performance, ensuring consistent challenges.

Personality Psychometrics:

  • Help understand workplace behaviour and cultural fit.
  • Results are often validated through interviews or feedback sessions.

Ability Psychometrics:

Includes various cognitive assessments:

  • Abstract Reasoning: Measures pattern recognition and problem-solving.
  • Logical/Critical Thinking: Evaluates sequential thinking and information deduction.
  • Verbal Ability: Assesses comprehension and inference from written material.
  • Numerical Ability: Tests analysis of numerical data and mathematical operations.
  • Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs): Assesses decision-making in role-relevant scenarios.

Other Work-Based Tests:

  • Checking Tests: Evaluate data comparison accuracy.
  • Mechanical Ability Tests: Measure application of mechanical principles.
  • Manual Dexterity Tests: Assess the speed and accuracy of hand movements.

Psychometric assessments are used for:

  • Organisational Assessment: Comparing candidate strengths against role requirements.
  • Individual Development: Enhancing self-awareness and behavioural flexibility.
  • Managerial Recruitment: Ensuring leadership alignment with organisational culture.
  • Coaching: Providing insights into strengths and motivations for improved workplace impact.

There are many benefits of using psychometrics, for individuals, teams and organisations.

For example, to:

  • Identify and improve team and cultural fit
  • Increase individual performance
  • Recognise potential and support Talent Management
  • Improve onboarding and the candidate experience
  • Ensure objectivity, fairness and impartiality within selection
  • Provide feedback for applicants on relative merits
  • Create development plans from the point of hire
  • Improve individual ownership of development
  • Reduce recruitment errors and decrease employee turnover

Psychometrics enable better selection decisions and help foster a culture of fairness and inclusion, where recruitment is transparent and based on merit. For large-scale recruitment, they can offer a cost-effective mechanism for fair and objective screening of many applicants, and/or to inform later stages of the recruitment process, such as psychometric reports to assist interview panels.

Choosing a psychometric test depends on what you want to measure and how you’ll use the results. Consider these factors upfront to navigate available options and maximise their value.

Be transparent with participants about what you’re testing and why, while ensuring GDPR compliance in data collection and storage.

Weigh the costs and time against the benefits you aim to achieve. Assess your internal resources and consider if you need accredited Test Users to administer and interpret results. Providing feedback is best practice, which can be done through candidate reports, bespoke profiles, or discussions with a qualified Psychometric Practitioner.

Select psychometrics based on role requirements in the Job Description and Person Specification. For developmental purposes, choose tools aligned with the goals of the individual, team, or organisation.

For more information on psychometric tests, visit the British Psychological Society website at BPS Psychometric Testing. The BPS is the professional body for Occupational Psychologists in the UK and maintains a list of qualified Test Users. Check it out here.

We recommend using the Executive Hire Profile (EHP), an objective evaluation of candidates tailored to your organisation’s strategic needs. The EHP assesses an individual’s psychological makeup, strengths, potential derailers, and fit for specific roles, teams, and cultures. Based on robust methodology, it provides insights into what drives success in complex organisations.

This profiling can be applied to all shortlisted candidates or to a refined shortlist after practical assessments.

Candidates will complete online aptitude and personality assessments. For CFO roles, we recommend the following tools for a comprehensive evaluation:

  • Leadership Judgement Indicator: A situational judgement test assessing comfort with various leadership styles and their appropriateness for different tasks.
  • Wave Professional Styles: Identifies optimal environments based on personal motives and talent, predicting where individuals are likely to excel.
  • Hogan Development Survey: Evaluates personality traits that may emerge under pressure, potentially harming relationships and career advancement.

After assessments, candidates will have a validation conversation with a leadership Psychologist to discuss their interpersonal skills, thinking style, and psychological profile. The output includes an executive summary detailing the individual’s:

  • Intellectual functioning: Overall capacity and thinking style.
  • Motivation and interpersonal style.
  • Leadership style.
  • Strengths and potential derailers.
  • Interview questions for the assessment process.

A comprehensive performance report will follow the assessment.

Middle/ Senior Manager Profiling

We use the ‘light touch’ version of the Executive Hire Profile model for middle/ senior level managers. This includes the Wave Professional Styles and Leadership Judgement Indicator tools, and generates a report based on working and leadership styles, preferences and motivations.  This model adds richness to the selection process with detailed information about the candidate’s ability to perform, fit and make an impact in an organisation.

The results and report provides organisations with an indication of the candidate’s strengths as well as areas of concern to probe further during the selection process. The detailed and personalised feedback also gives candidates welcome insight into their natural preferences and ways of working.

Developmental Coaching

We use a selection of appropriate psychometric tools to provide objective, actionable information about an individual’s leadership potential and create a detailed report which is then followed up with two telephone/ video call coaching sessions. These coaching sessions explore the findings of the psychometric report in terms of working styles, preferences and motivations and use these to create a strengths-based development plan using the specific context of the organisation’s needs. With permission, the line manager is invited to join part of the second coaching session to learn more about how to support the individual and contribute to the discussion around development needs and objectives.

Using psychometric tools carefully chosen to match your aims, we can facilitate a greater level of self-awareness for benefit individuals, teams and organisations.

Developmental coaching based on psychometrics supports the growth of leaders, encouraging behavioural change to enhance individual and collective performance.

Other Psychometric tools

We have access to a range of psychometric instruments which we can use with your clients.
We can discuss with you which might be best to support your organisational aims. 

Chief officer selection

Case Study – North Yorkshire FRS – Chief Fire Officer Selection

North Yorkshire FRS needed support with their Chief and Deputy Chief Fire Officer selection process. Our recommendation was to use our Executive Hire Profile (EHP).