We develop comprehensive e-learning courses based on your content or requirements, presented on our online learning platform.

Our e-courses ensure the training experience is varied, interactive and stimulating, supporting knowledge acquisition in a practical and entertaining way.

We can develop quizzes, picture boards, case studies, checklists, games,  focused activities, info boxes, knowledge screens, practical scenarios and end of module summaries and testing to  facilitate learning. We can develop e-courses based on your supplied material or our own courses adapted to your needs. See our latest case study here.

This one day intensive course covers the theories underpinning advanced interviewing techniques with a strong emphasis on practical application. The objective is to train in-house staff on the essentials of competency based interviewing using hands-on exercises and interactive group practice to build up skills and confidence in a supported setting.

Our course will improve the accuracy, objectivity and evidence base of critical selection decisions.

The course covers modules on:

  • Interviewer skills
  • Structure of the interview
  • Using assessment techniques
  • How to ensure fairness
  • Eliminating bias
  • Using competency and probing questions.

We deliver this course at all levels from supervisory to strategic. Most courses tend to include a mix of HR/ support and uniformed personnel.

Course includes an 80 page workbook, covering theory and practical exercises.

Courses cost from £1100 + VAT for up to 12 participants.

For trained interviewers needing a ‘top up’, this practical course recaps the essentials of interviewing techniques whilst providing an opportunity to gain familiarity with latest tools and processes.

This course is attended by:
Managers who have not interviewed for some time; those who are required to be involved in a forthcoming selection process; those seeking to add to their continuous professional development.

Groups tend to be smaller for more one to one trainer guidance and assessment of individual skill and development areas.

This course recaps in brief on interviewer skills, assessment techniques and use of questioning. It then goes into further depth on recognising sources of bias, ensuring objectivity, creating in-depth evaluations and interpreting interview evidence.

The course focuses on practical skill building tasks and interactive use of interviewer questions and formats.

Course includes an 80 page interviewer skills workbook, covering theory and practical exercises.

Courses cost from £149 per person + VAT with a minimum of 6 participants.

Two day course to train in-house staff to become competent assessment and/or development centre (ADC) assessors.

The course will give delegates:

  • An in-depth understanding of what an ADC is and why we use them;
  • How to apply the ORCE technique and use Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales;
  • Techniques for writing effective notes and to make evidence based evaluations;
  • The skills to be able to differentiate between a skilled and poor assessor;
  • Guidance on how to generate assessments which can be used for developmental feedback;

This is a ‘hands-on’ course with plenty of interactive exercise and practice of all methods taught.


No prior experience is necessary for attendance on this course.

Course includes an 80 page workbook, covering theory, techniques, study notes, practical exercises and useful reminders.

Courses cost from £1100 + VAT for up to 12 participants.

This one day masterclass is suitable for existing assessors who either:

  • haven’t assessed for some time and need some reminders
  • have plenty of experience and wish to learn advanced skills
  • are required to assess at forthcoming ADCS

This course will begin by refreshing delegates on existing assessor skills. The rest of the session will focus on sharing advanced techniques of experienced assessors, aimed at:

  • improving the reliability of assessment between assessors
  • decreasing the risk of errors or bias
  • creating detailed, evidence based evaluations
  • recognising broader behavioural observations underpinning more specific exercise performance
  • identifying key developmental points with suggestions for future actions

This practical and rewarding training is targeted to deliver highly skilled lead assessors who can contribute to the comprehensive assessment and development of future managers.

Includes additional handout, templates and resources.

Courses cost from £149 per person + VAT with a minimum of 6 participants.

A one day interactive workshop aimed at improving how managers develop competencies and team performance.

The course includes:

  • Facilitated discussion groups on management and team behaviours
  • Ways to use stories and experiences to highlight team behaviours
  • Guidance on role modelling and improved information sharing
  • Practical exercises to empower managers to work with team strengths
  • Techniques for creating a positive ‘feedback’ culture
  • Methods to work with teams to recognise and improve development areas

This engaging training can be challenging but is also rated as highly influential. The aim is to empower managers to take a more proactive approach to creating team development opportunities through day to day activities.

Courses cost from £1100 + VAT for up to 12 participants.

Aimed at candidates due to attend an ADC, this half day workshop is an important introduction to what to expect and how to deliver best performance.

Delegates will:

  • Gain confidence through use of example exercises
  • Develop insights into their own behaviour
  • Learn how to effectively demonstrate their capabilities under assessment conditions.

This course is highly regarded by delegates and delivers greatly improved satisfaction ratings for ADCs and support for the organisational approach to assessment/ selection decisions.

‘The information briefing sessions were really useful and informative. I had numerous individuals who had participated in the ADC previously who commented on how helpful the briefing was. It is pleasing that people are improving their performance and are better prepared.’

Mick Berry, Group Manager

Includes 80 page Workbook of practical guidance, exercises, do’s and don’ts, FAQs and summary information.

Courses cost from £1100 + VAT for up to 12 participants.

This one day course is suitable for managers who have responsibility for assessing competencies/ positive workplace behaviours as part of a Development Plan or programme. The course focuses on developing delegate’s skills in identifying competency/ evidence accurately and allocating appropriate scores in relation to established frameworks e.g. behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) or other bespoke scoring criteria.

This course improves objectivity in assessment and confidence in accurately evaluating evidence of firefighter performance

The course covers these topics:

  • Creating consistent approaches to allocating scores
  • What the competencies mean (in plain English) and how to match behavioural examples to these
  • Recognising ‘good evidence’
  • How competencies relate to Firefighter development in practice
  • Understanding competencies in relation to firefighter development
  • Eliminating bias in assessment approach