A Leadership and Values Framework: Guiding Your Organization to Success

To foster customer focus, teamwork, strong leadership, and innovation, it’s crucial to align your organisation’s direction with your staff. Our psychologists partner with your team, interviewing individuals across various roles to understand what matters most to them and reviewing existing internal work.

We adopt a collaborative and informal approach to gather insights that help us create realistic and inspiring leadership and competency frameworks. We assess the skills and attributes valued by staff, as well as the standards senior leaders aim to instil. This process builds on current skills and frameworks to develop a user-friendly set of clearly defined behavioural criteria.

We can create online values assessments to support the development of your staff and teams.

The Values Questionnaire (VQ)

  • User-friendly, straight-forward and only takes about 10 mins to complete
  • Designed to assess an applicant’s alignment to the organisation’s unique values
  • Provides a job preview via realistic role-based scenarios
  • Easily accessible and simple to understand to accommodate applicants for whom English is not their first language and/or may have limited experience using computer technology
  • A cost-effective method to assess high volumes of applicants at an early stage of assessment

Versatile use

The tool can be used to provide personalised interview questions for interviewers to explore an applicant’s values and working preferences.


We complete job analysis interviews with role-holders and managers to develop each individual VQ.

The tool is administered online, allowing paperless administration which is fast and easy for both applicant and hiring team.

Scoring is automatic, giving immediate and error-free results.

The VQ can be presented with a corporate welcome message to convey ethos and brand.

The Questionnaire

Applicants access the online questionnaire via a web link. The VQ then invites applicants to review a number of role relevant statements and indicate which statements they agree or disagree with.

Each value area is examined a number of times by different statements, both positively and negatively worded.

Working preferences questionnaire

There are 24 short statements. Each one details work related scenarios. The applicant evaluates their level of agreement to the actions described in the statement according to a 5-point scale. Full instructions are provided on the ‘home’ screen. The statements can be written to refer to one specific role or be more generic and relevant to a cluster of roles at a similar level.

The Results

Working preferences questionnaire results

Once the applicant has completed the questionnaire, their results will automatically be calculated based on their responses.

Results are banded into ‘Red’ ‘Amber’ and ‘Green’ levels of performance (e.g. a red rating reflecting a poor score in relation to the organisational value criteria). Each rating per value generates a statement of explanatory feedback in an easy to view report format.

Interview questions

Red and amber ratings in any of the value areas automatically generate up to three additional interview questions (with supplementary or ‘probing’ questions for each main question). A green rating against any value indicates a satisfactory match between the applicant’s attitudes/ behaviours and values, and therefore doesn’t create any further interview questions.