The Plan
Shropshire FRS had booked a series of assessments for promotions to:
Crew Manager (wholetime & on-call) / Watch Manager/ Station Manager
These were due to begin in March 2020 as part of a trial agreed with Representative Bodies to determine whether this new method of assessment, the VCA Career Progression Gateway (CPG) would be acceptable as a replacement to the organisation’s previous face to face / traditional assessment process.
Feedback would be sought from candidates and staff after the process with regards to the realism, fairness, convenience and cost of the new online assessment trial.
Consistent Annual Promotion Activity
The purpose of having assessments at three management levels back to back was;
a) to address the number of vacancies anticipated through retirement over the next 18-24 months and
b) to establish the clear and consistent practice of assessment for promotion from Crew to Station Manager level, predictably delivered during the same two months of every year going forward.
Why Change?
The previous assessment process was considered too resource intensive, both financially and physically. With the introduction of the NFCC Leadership Framework it was seen as a timely opportunity to make a change to an assessment process based on more up-to-date criteria.
Why VCA’s CPG System?
Shropshire FRS were seeking external support to their promotions process to provide a transparent, unbiased, and expert service. They recognised that they neither had the expertise nor time to develop reliable assessment exercises, which can withstand best practice scrutiny and deliver valid results. They were pleased to feed into the exercise development phase by providing content research interviews and trial candidates, thereby having confidence that the exercises were relevant for their organisation’s needs.
Concerns Prior to the new Process
The main concern was how candidates might feel about using laptops/computers to complete their assessments; apart from a few issues logging-in with the first process, these were quickly resolved and this was not an issue.
Unprecedented Factors
When the global pandemic took hold the same month, Development Officer and Project Leader Donna Trowsdale confirmed that the projects would continue as planned, with the aid of some hastily developed but remarkably effective protocols to comply with new rules for social distancing.
An Online Assessment System
The CPG system was perfectly placed to meet Shropshire FRS’s needs without disruption, utilising VCA’s online assessment system for the two elements of the assessment, the Case Study and telephone Role-play.

Shropshire FRS’s Promotions Process

Shropshire FRS calculated that using the CPG saved them £34,800 from their previous process (an average of £600 per candidate)
Next Steps
The Brigade Order has been written and the VCA CPG is now part of Shropshire’s HR processes. Further assessments will be carried out, from Firefighter recruitment to Area Manager, using the CPG from October 2020. This will be an annual assessment process to generate a pool of candidates for interview as and when vacancies arise.