At each level of the Career Progression Gateway there are two exercises set in a shared context. The contexts are fictitious and generic, and candidates do not need prior knowledge of the industry or subject matter to complete the exercises; all information required is contained within the exercise.

Case Study

The case study involves a fictitious situation in which the Candidate will be required to read through information including emails, data and articles, and produce a written response to topics raised.


The context is an Online food ordering & delivery company


The Candidate needs to address concerns regarding poor communication within their team. They must respond to the request from their Line Manager to identify areas of concern and suggest ideas for improvement.

Video/ Telephone Roleplay

The role-play requires the Candidate to read through a scenario and make notes before conducting a video/ telephone call to discuss the issues.


The context is an Online food ordering & delivery company


All staff have recently undergone training on a new computer system. One individual has been vocal and disruptive in expressing concerns about this. The candidate will need to discuss this and performance issues presented in the scenario, and explore ideas and solutions to any further problems raised.