Middle manager exercises are suitable for use with Watch Managers seeking a move to Station Manager level. They can also be used to assess the potential of Station Managers looking to develop into a Group Manager role.

These exercises can be used separately, or as an entire set (inbasket, one to one roleplay and multiple roleplay).

The pen portraits included here will provide a brief overview of the exercise content.


Albershire Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this exercise the candidate takes the role of a generic Station Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. They have various sources of background information which they can draw on to inform their tackling of the scenario. There are three tasks, and these include: evaluating a proposal to join a local partnership forum; handling a sensitive issue which has gained the interest of the media; responding to a planning and budgeting project.

Kettleford Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this exercise the candidate is a generic Middle Manager. The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. The candidate has responsibility for the day to day management of a station. A range of data and background information is provided and there are three inbox tasks. These include: write a proposal on the request of a senior manager; to support a team member with a performance management issue; to generate strategies for gaining commitment from the team in support of a specific organisational objective.

Letchley Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this exercise the candidate takes the role of a generic Station Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. They have various sources of background information which they can draw on to inform their tackling of the scenario. There are three tasks, and these include: reviewing performance information to generate recommendations; offering guidance to a supervisory manager struggling to manage a team problem; outlining key steps to implement a new initiative effectively.

One to One Roleplay

Albershire Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this exercise the candidate takes the role of a generic Station Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. With project information and performance data to draw on, the candidate needs to liaise with a colleague to deliver progress towards shared objectives. There are leadership and performance issues which need to be discussed. An email is supplied with details regarding specific concerns which will need to be discussed and resolved

Kettleford Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of Middle Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. Their remit is to hold a meeting to discuss performance issues with a member of their team. The candidate will need to communicate a contentious management decision and delve into performance issues which will transpire as the scenario unfolds. Background information is provided to inform the Candidate’s position, including performance data and an concerns, in the form of an email, from the individual’s former project leader.

Letchley Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this exercise the candidate takes the role of a generic Station Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. With background information and performance data to draw on, the candidate needs to develop a collaborative approach with a colleague from an internal team. The project team is facing some performance deficits which must be addressed. An email is supplied with more details regarding specific concerns which will need to be discussed and resolved.

Multiple Roleplay

Albershire Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this Middle Manager scenario the candidate is a contributor within a Working Group on the ‘Workforce Integration’ branch of the ‘Challenge Technology’ initiative.. The candidate must deliver a short presentation to establish context, objectives and parameters of the Group to two colleagues. They then need to agree priorities and tackle concerns arising from key information and discussion points. The role-players will have their own perspectives and considerations which will need to be carefully navigated in order to gain commitment to the aims of the Working Group and make positive progress for the Initiative.

Kettleford Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of Station Manager in a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service. The topic is a potential merger between two stations. The candidate must find common ground with individuals from within the two stations. Together, they must discuss key issues, identify risks and solutions and plan next steps. Each character in the scenario has a unique, and sometime opposing perspective. The candidate must handle any potential conflict and generate a collaborative approach to this organisational change.

Letchley Fire & Rescue Service

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


In this Middle Manager scenario the candidate must establish agreed goals and shared objectives with representatives from two partner agencies. The roleplay characters represent counterparts from Letchley Police and Letchley Council who will attend the meeting to talk through topics relevant to their joint membership of the Young Person’s Community Education Partnership Forum. Each agency will be looking to gain ground on their own issues, and it is for the candidate to manage this for best outcomes for all.