Our online assessment portal for Career Progression Gateway (CPG) has been designed specifically for use in the UK FRS. All exercises are available in a version relevant for support staff use.

The exercises are set in a generic FRS context, using the four NFCC Leadership Quality criteria:

  • Personal Impact
  • Outstanding Leadership
  • Service Delivery
  • Organisational Effectiveness

Case Study

The case study involves a fictitious situation in which the candidate will be required to read through information including emails, data and articles, and produce a written response to topics raised.

Station Manager – Mosserton FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Mosserton Fire & Rescue Service. They have recently been seconded to a Special Project Team comprising uniformed and non-uniformed staff re-deployed from other departments. The Project team has a focus on risk prevention related to specific demographic groups, but is under-performing. Using the data provided, the candidate’s role is to determine what the key problem areas might be, potential reasons for them, and plan how to implement change and sustain improvement.

Station Manager – Littonshire FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Littonshire Fire & Rescue Service. The opportunity has arisen to join a forum which aims to make improvements for young people within the community. The candidate must explore the potential advantages of involvement in this scheme and make recommendations around how to proceed.

Station Manager – Thornhampton FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Thornhampton FRS, which is falling behind its peers in a key area of policy and performance. The candidate should outline their intended short-term actions and indicate their longer-term solutions, as well as identifying wider support options.

Station Manager – Tallborough FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Tallborough FRS, which has committed to a strategy to decrease community risk and contribute to wider political improvement policy. The candidate should outline their performance evaluation and indicate their suggestions to facilitate change.

Video/ Telephone Roleplay

The role-play requires the candidate to read through a scenario and make notes before conducting a video/ telephone call to discuss the issues.

Station Manager – Mosserton FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Mosserton Fire & Rescue Service with responsibility for one Wholetime and two On-Call Stations. The candidate needs to address performance concerns with an on-call Watch Manager. The candidate will need to discuss these issues and reach agreement on ways forward to facilitate improvement.

Station Manager – Littonshire FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in Littonshire Fire & Rescue Service. An outreach project has recently been introduced to encourage engagement with vulnerable people with the aim of improving health, safety and wellbeing. A second Station is under-performing on this project. Together, the candidate must discuss their approach, address current performance issues and make suggestions to deliver progress for both Stations.

Station Manager – Thornhampton FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Thornhampton FRS. A relationship-building opportunity has arisen to allow the candidate to provide support and develop skills. With a specific issue highlighted for discussion, the candidate must tackle the topics raised, identify wider impacts and propose ideas for improvements.

Station Manager – Tallborough FRS

The context is a fictitious Fire & Rescue Service.


The candidate assumes the role of a generic Station Manager in fictitious Tallborough FRS. A number of performance concerns have been raised, related to the conduct and attitude of a member of the team. The candidate will need to evaluate, discuss and deal with these concerns.

A relationship-building opportunity has arisen to allow the candidate to provide support and develop skills. With a specific issue highlighted for discussion, the candidate must tackle the topics raised, identify wider impacts and propose ideas for improvements.