VCA are a team of Occupational Psychologists and IT professionals.

We create user-friendly, practical and robust on and off-line solutions to handle the assessment, selection and development needs of your organisation.

Our core principles

VCA’s Career Progression Gateway (CPG) assesses candidates for recruitment, selection, and promotion through a behavioural framework to identify leadership potential. The CPG uses online, realistic job simulation exercises via our custom interactive platform.


As the foundation of our assessments, using the Fire Service specific data we gather to inform the products and services we develop.


Applying decades of expertise to manage your projects, objectively assess performance against behavioural criteria, and deliver timely results.


Providing comprehensive support packages, a user-friendly platform and developmental feedback to help individuals achieve their career potential.

Meet our Core Team

Hannah Vallance
Hannah VallancePrincipal Occupational Psychologist. Career Coach and Managing Director of VCA Ltd

My priority is helping managers to perform to their very best, helping organisations identify their most suitable leaders, and working with individuals to identify where and how to use their skills to realise their maximum potential. I do this through approaches which combine assessment, coaching, training, development and support. I specialise in working with emergency services professionals but also provide career coaching to other professionals with challenges around fulfilment, future direction, contribution and work-life balance.

The Career Progression Gateway is my most recent development, an in-line user-friendly, cost-effective and pragmatic assessment/ development solution which not only makes sense to the organisation, but also to the candidates completing it.

I have advised on FRS assessment and development for the Office for the Deputy Prime Minister and National Fire Chiefs Council. I currently work directly with numerous FRS clients and the NFCC on the Direct Entry Project.


Assessment exercise design (on and off-line)
Developmental feedback reporting solutions
Michelle Sanders
Michelle SandersChartered Occupational and HPC Registered Practitioner Psychologist
I have delivered successful solutions at all levels, from the shop floor to the Boardroom.

I have several years of experience in Assessment and Development including psychometric testing, 360° feedback, training delivery, leadership development and developmental coaching.


360° Feedback
Training Delivery
Louise Simpson
Louise SimpsonChartered Occupational Psychologist
I’m a practising Chartered Occupational Psychologist. I take an innovative approach to assessment and development design and implementation.

I’m a full member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), holding Level A and Level B Certificates in Occupational Testing and am qualified to use a wide variety of psychometric tools and specialise in Personality and Leadership Profiling at Executive level.


Psychometric Testing
ADC Assessor
Chris King
Chris KingDevelopment Specialist
I have many years of experience in leadership development across an extensive range of private and public sector organisations.

My work has been principally focused on the areas of talent identification, individual and group assessment techniques for selection and leadership development and coaching. I hold Level A & B certificates in Occupational Testing and am trained to use a wide range of psychometric tools.


Leadership Development and Coaching
ADC Assessor
Kathy de Beer
Kathy de BeerDevelopment Specialist
I have 15 years experience in delivering valuable outcomes to clients. I support organisational performance through delivery of tailored occupational psychology solutions, including building competency frameworks, psychometric and AC assessment, senior team coaching and leadership/management development.

I have varied private and public sector experience and understand the challenges faced by modern organisations.


Competency Design
Exercise Design
Chris Alford
Chris AlfordIT Director
I deliver practical solutions to support each individual project as required. Whether it is developing an on-line testing system or creating an automatic feedback reporting process, my input can add considerable value to your assessment solution.

My approach is to develop systems which will make things easier and more cost effective long term. If you don’t need it, I won’t suggest it!


Online Testing Solutions
Online Application Design

Selecting Talent That Delivers Results

Our Team Solutions

  • VCA makes sure you bring the best talent in from outside your organisation by assessing their capabilities properly;
  • VCA makes sure that you are promoting the right people rather than facing the headache of managers who can’t do their job; we do this by assessing a broad range of targeted skills which are relevant to the more senior position they are seeking.
  • VCA train the people who you know have great potential but need some development around the sort of skills which you know your organisation needs to succeed
  • VCA train your talent to make sure they can effectively assess, develop and support your most valuable asset- your people

We know how important it is that you get this right, and what it can cost to your organisation (in terms of morale, direction, finances, productivity, future, and most importantly the safety and well-being of both your workforce and the public alike) if you don’t. Our team is dedicated to delivering the best solutions to meet your organisational needs in a conscientious, professional and personable way.

Some of Our Happy Clients