We can supply professional assessors to either fit into your assessment team or take full responsibility for this task.

More and more organisations are choosing not to tie up internal staff resources in time consuming assessment processes, instead outsourcing to our highly skilled team.

Our assessors:

  • Produce detailed and objective assessments which clearly identify where criteria are being met
  • Provide detailed evidence to explain where performance needs development
  • Assessments are written in a way to facilitate development
  • Don’t need checking or supervision- they can simply arrive at your venue and jump straight in
  • Need less time to do their write ups
  • Produce better quality and detail to recorded evidence
  • Liaise with role-players to ensure consistency
  • Produce detailed feedback reports on performance
  • Can assess more candidates in a day than in-house assessors
  • Support administrators for the event by understanding exactly what is required
  • Remain at the venue until the work is complete, irrespective of time
  • Contribute openly to client ‘wash-up’ discussions

Have you considered an online assessment?

Using assessors remotely and managing your assessments online is the best way to improve efficiency, reduce costs and streamline processes.
Read more about the system here
and our case study: Lancashire FRS MM online assessment.