
It’s easy to focus on what the costs would be to the Service of using an external provider such as VCA to run promotions processes, but what about the costs of not doing so, particularly in light of continued scrutiny of FRS fairness, ethics and culture?

Below we have summarised 3 recent promotions projects we have facilitated for FRS’s using the Career Progression Gateway online tools and developmental support package. Our clients are delighted with how affordable and streamlined the process is by using us. The two biggest improvements from their perspective being the independence of the assessment process, and how significantly it reduced the burden on internal teams (who are freed up to focus on all the other areas their roles cover!)

Firstly, here is a summary from our experience of the hidden costs of internal processes

• Time spent investigating and managing grievances processes post promotions – these are hugely reduced by using the CPG, for a number of reasons.

• Impacts on morale related to perceptions of unfairness and bias – reduced by use of completely independent assessors.
• Pressure on internal assessors of knowing accusations of bias and favouritism are not unusual – external assessors marking anonymously removes this concern.

• Staff over-load with managing the projects, additional administration, logistics and complaints – the CPG reduces internal staff commitment to one internal point of contact with whom our project manager liaises with.
• Time away from normal role for assessors, adding to their workload- our assessors can handle all aspects of the assessment process from candidate briefing to feedback sessions as required.

• Internal assessors needing assessor skills training/ refresher training – our assessors are all highly qualified occupational psychologists, experts in behavioural assessment and feedback.
• Skill fade of assessors and increased time taken to produce reliable, usable evidence as its not a regular task – our assessors can work more efficiently and effectively as they complete these type of assessments every day.

• Admin time spent preparing feedback reports (or this isn’t done) – the CPG system automatically generates personalised feedback reports using the assessor ratings and comments, which are available to download as soon as the assessment is completed and results finalised.

• Lower quality of feedback reports based on limited assessor time and incomplete notes Our CPG marking screens support assessors to provide complete notes and assessments which form the basis of the feedback reports.
• Feedback delivered internally, often adding to line manager workload (and stress if they are unfamiliar with the process they are providing feedback on and how this links to on-going development) Our team of psychologists provide feedback which focuses on development, strengths, well-being and coaching.
• Candidate perception of insufficient feedback to explain results, missed opportunity to discuss use of outcomes in development – our assessors understand the exercises and relate what performance at the CPG means in practice to an individual’s career and role.

• Assessment exercises are not valid i.e. not sufficiently aligned to behavioural frameworks and overly focused on task/ procedure at the expense of leadership, values and behaviours Our exercises are professional designed, valid and reliable, with carefully designed criteria aligned specifically to each exercise developed. Data from thousands of assessments demonstrate that they are fit for purpose i.e. evaluate potential to perform effectively in the next role.
• Inadequate score sheet design leading to unreliable assessment CPG assessment criteria are evaluated using advanced scoring mechanisms and assessor guidance tools.
• Lack of assessor expertise in evaluating behavioural criteria Our team are confident behavioural experts, trained in psychology (the study of human behaviour).

When doing a like-for-like cost comparison, the actual monetary value of these hidden costs, in terms of people resources, are seldom accurately reflected in the budget allocated to a specific assessment process. This can create a false sense of benefit when choosing internal assessments processes.

When one FRS did a thorough cost comparison, allocating staff-hours to the hidden costs of a previous internal process, they calculated they had saved over £100,000 in the last 3 years.

Here are some of our recent projects, with costs and results.

(*Reasonable adjustments.)

Client Project 1 – Area Manager CPG

CPG: Case Study and Role-play

Candidate: 4

Candidates with RA*: 1 (Given 25% additional time for reading elements of the assessments)

E-learning course: There is no e-learning for Strategic Managers, the CPG preparation workbook was supplied instead.

Feedback Sessions: No

Pass Rate: 75%

Grievances: 0

Cost: £4,000

Candidate Feedback – Case Study

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting100%0%0%
I found the exercise challenging100%0%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities100%0%0%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate100%0%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance100%0%0%
Very challenging but good.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Relevant to that of a strategic manager within a FRS environment.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback

Candidate Feedback – Roleplay

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting100%0%0%
I found the exercise challenging100%0%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities100%0%0%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate100%0%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance100%0%0%
I really enjoyed it, Easy to use and realistic.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback

It provided me the opportunity to really immerse myself into the exercise. I would have personally liked more time, but despite this, I think the feedback that was provided showed that a comprehensive assessment was undertaken even with the time pressures impacting the information I could share.

Anonymous Candidate Feedback


All candidates were external applicants and as such were not offered a feedback session funded by the FRS. Applicants were later offered a feedback session if they wished to fund this individually..

Client Project 2 – Station Manager CPG

CPG: Case Study and Role-play LITE version

Candidate: 8

Candidates with RA*: 0
(*Reasonable adjustments.)

E-learning course: Yes

Feedback Sessions: Yes, for unsuccessful candidates only

Pass Rate: 38%

Grievances: 0

Cost: £3,755

Candidate Feedback – Case Study

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting100%0%0%
I found the exercise challenging83%17%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities83%17%0%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate67%33%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance83%17%0%

Relevant to roles within the service.

Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Very easy to use, the tabs on the top of the page allow you to re visit and check certain bits of information without making excessive notes.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Very good, I am glad the scenario was fire service related.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback

Candidate Feedback – Roleplay

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting85%15%0%
I found the exercise challenging85%15%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities86%0%14%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate85%15%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance100%0%0%
The events are reasonably likened to concerns within the FRS. There can be issues surrounding incidents and personal development.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
It is a good impartial assessment and should progress
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
This was my first time to carry out the assessment with CPG, I have previously carried out an ADC and found that to be more stressful.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Alex portrayed her role very well, I felt the exercise was relevant to the role of Station Manager, who could face some difficult situations to deal with.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback


This was a new process for this client, and the pass rate was lower than average. Our recommendation was for a briefing session for candidates in addition to the self- study e-course. This session would provide additional guidance on what to expect from the assessment format and tasks, provide some rationale for the move to this type of externally marked and objective assessment method, discuss the Leadership Qualities and what these mean in practice, and to provide some guidance on providing evidence for assessment purposes.

Additionally, neuro-diverse candidates should be strongly encouraged to apply for the reasonable adjustments which they are entitled to.

Client Project 3 – Crew Manager CPG

CPG: Case Study and Role-play

Candidate: 9

Candidates with RA*: 2 (Both given 25% additional time for reading elements of the assessments)

E-learning course: Yes and in-house Briefing Session

Feedback Sessions: Yes, all candidates

Pass Rate: 77%

Grievances: 0

Cost: £8,000

Candidate Feedback – Case Study

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting66%34%0%
I found the exercise challenging100%0%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities66%34%0%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate66%34%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance77%23%0%
I thought the exercise was relevant to the level I am looking to move to.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Very relevant.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback

Candidate Feedback – Roleplay

QuestionStrongly Agree/ AgreeNeutralDisagree
I found the exercise interesting100%0%0%
I found the exercise challenging50%50%0%
I believe the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate my skills and abilities100%0%0%
I understand the skills the exercise gave me the change to demonstrate100%0%0%
Feedback on this exercise will help me improve my work performance100%0%0%
Relevant and thought provoking.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback
Very relevant.
Anonymous Candidate Feedback


This was a very good pass rate, indicative of the fact that this FRS has been using the CPG for 4 years and is fully embedded into their promotional and development processes. Candidates would have had the benefit of consistent briefing (including opportunities for Q&A, and practice exercises pre-assessment), establishing the requirements and processes of the CPG as a well-established organisational norm. Previous candidates would have benefitted from a developmental feedback session and developmental coaching to support them to improve how they demonstrate the leadership qualities in role, and therefore also in further assessments. (This, in turn would have a positive knock-on effect to other team members and peers.)

Interested in seeing how using the CPG could benefit your organisation? Send us a message to book a demo or informal Teams call to discuss questions and options.