To many, it looks like a centre manager’s main role is to control confidential materials, keep everyone to timetable and to check of assessor output, and this is often the case. To get the most from the role however, here are a few of the responsibilities you may be less aware of.
- The centre manager (CM) starts the day with briefing the role-players. This includes holding practice run-throughs with mock candidates to ensure consistency of performance and that the actors are clear as to appropriate tone and priorities.
- Assessors and admin also need to be briefed on the expectations of their role before the candidates arrive.
- The CM should have a checklist of what to cover in their candidate welcome brief to ensure consistency over consecutive days. The welcome should include an intro to the day, some guidance on what they need to do, details of rooms, timetable and catering etc, the importance of confidentiality and reassurance regarding nerves and the role of the assessors.
- The CM is the first port of call if anything goes wrong e.g. written exercises don’t save on a laptop; candidate walks out part way through an exercise; a stopwatch malfunctions (all of which have happened). With experience, a CM will have contingencies for most circumstances!
- The CM will check all assessor output. This involves checking that the scores and evidence correspond and ensuring that the evidence recorded matches the construct being rated. The CM will also return any evaluations to assessors which are not clearly worded, justified or evidence based for amendment.
- The CM will manage assessors to keep to time; one of the most challenging aspects of the role it involves cajoling, negotiating and a firm approach!
- The CM will hold a short debrief with each candidate at the end of the ADC. This is to let them know when to expect results and also hear from them how they found the event. It is useful to a) gain feedback on the ADC and how it has been perceived and b) give candidates a chance to have their say about anything they are pleased or dissatisfied with. This works well to head off later complaints, or can be referred to if later complaints come in.
- The CM will double check assessor scores where calculations have been done, and input these into an overall spreadsheet where there is time
- The CM will facilitate a ‘wash up’ session at the end of the ADC, finding out if there is anything extra that the assessors wish to be recorded which they observed but may not have been part of the criteria being assessed for that exercise. This can be useful for later feedback reports if there is a developmental angle the candidate would benefit from being aware of. The CM will invite the client into this session and gain their perspective on the candidate where appropriate, not to inform results, but to be fed into later feedback reports to assist the candidate with their development.
- The CM will write comprehensive feedback reports based on all the information they have gathered through the ADC from all sources mentioned above.
Help with your Centre Management
We have experienced centre managers who can professionally manage your ADC project, get in touch for more information.